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Mathematics and Music : Composition, Perception, and Performance by James S. Walker read online PDF, MOBI, DOC


At first glance, mathematics and music seem to be from separate worlds one from science, one from art. But in fact, the connections between the two go back thousands of years, such as Pythagoras s ideas about how to quantify changes of pitch for musical tones (musical intervals). Mathematics and Music: Composition, Perception, and Performance explores the many links between mathematics and different genres of music, deepening students understanding of music through mathematics. In an accessible way, the text teaches the basics of reading music and explains how various patterns in music can be described with mathematics. The authors extensively use the powerful time-frequency method of spectrograms to analyze the sounds created in musical performance. Numerous examples of music notation assist students in understanding basic musical scores. The text also provides mathematical explanations for musical scales, harmony, and rhythm and includes a concise introduction to digital audio synthesis. Along with helping students master some fundamental mathematics, this book gives them a deeper appreciation of music by showing how music is informed by both its mathematical and aesthetic structures. Web ResourceOn the book s CRC Press web page, students can access videos of many of the spectrograms discussed in the text as well as musical scores playable with the free music software MuseScore. An online bibliography offers many links to free downloadable articles on math and music. The web page also provides links to other websites related to math and music, including all the sites mentioned in the book. ", At first glance, mathematics and music seem to be from separate worlds--one from science, one from art. But in fact, the connections between the two go back thousands of years, such as Pythagoras's ideas about how to quantify changes of pitch for musical tones (musical intervals). Mathematics and Music: Composition, Perception, and Performanceexplores the many links between mathematics and different genres of music, deepening students' understanding of music through mathematics. In an accessible way, the text teaches the basics of reading music and explains how various patterns in music can be described with mathematics. The authors extensively use the powerful time-frequency method of spectrograms to analyze the sounds created in musical performance. Numerous examples of music notation assist students in understanding basic musical scores. The text also provides mathematical explanations for musical scales, harmony, and rhythm and includes a concise introduction to digital audio synthesis. Along with helping students master some fundamental mathematics, this book gives them a deeper appreciation of music by showing how music is informed by both its mathematical and aesthetic structures. Web Resource On the book's CRC Press web page, students can access videos of many of the spectrograms discussed in the text as well as musical scores playable with the free music software MuseScore. An online bibliography offers many links to free downloadable articles on math and music. The web page also provides links to other websites related to math and music, including all the sites mentioned in the book., At first glance, mathematics and music seem to be from separate worlds-one from science, one from art. But in fact, the connections between the two go back thousands of years, such as Pythagoras's ideas about how to quantify changes of pitch for musical tones (musical intervals). Mathematics and Music: Composition, Perception, and Performance explores the many links between mathematics and different genres of music, deepening students' understanding of music through mathematics. In an accessible way, the text teaches the basics of reading music and explains how various patterns in music can be described with mathematics. The authors extensively use the powerful time-frequency method of spectrograms to analyze the sounds created in musical performance. Numerous examples of music notation assist students in understanding basic musical scores. The text also provides mathematical explanations for musical scales, harmony, and rhythm and includes a concise introduction to digital audio synthesis. Along with helping students master some fundamental mathematics, this book gives them a deeper appreciation of music by showing how music is informed by both its mathematical and aesthetic structures. Web Resource On the book's CRC Press web page, students can access videos of many of the spectrograms discussed in the text as well as musical scores playable with the free music software MuseScore. An online bibliography offers many links to free downloadable articles on math and music. The web page also provides links to other websites related to math and music, including all the sites mentioned in the book., This text emphasizes the connection between mathematics and many different music genres. It assists readers in understanding basic musical scores by providing numerous examples of music notation. The book also describes the powerful time-frequency method of spectrograms, which helps in analyzing music as it is heard rather than analyzing notes on a score. The book's website offers video demos, links to articles, software, musical scores, and course materials. A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption.

Book James S. Walker - Mathematics and Music : Composition, Perception, and Performance in TXT, FB2, PDF

This rich, fully illustrated compendium features: Nature-based skills and activities such as species identification, photography, journaling, and the judicious use of digital technology Ideas, games, and activities grounded in what's happening in nature each season Core concepts that promote environmental literacy, such as climate change and the mechanisms and wonder of evolution, explained using a child-friendly, engaging approach Lists of key species and happenings to observe throughout the year across most of North America Perfect for families, educators, and youth leaders, The Big Book of Nature Activities is packed with crafts, stories, information and inspiration to make outdoor learning fun.The text opens with a series of case studies in which engineers face complex and challenging decisions about the environment.Included in this package is access to the new Video-Enhanced eText exclusively from Pearson.Eco-Architecture signifies a new approach to the design process intended to harmonise its products with nature.Edited by Stephen Leatherman and John Fletemeyer, the book covers: The full spectrum of rip current research and outreach initiatives on all four U.S.The chapters tackle a wide range of subjects including 16th century etiquette, Celtic music and Chopin.Regardless of whether you are just looking to remodel to make your house greener or are building a new home, this book will give you everything you need to stay green and respect the environment in every aspect of your life.This would explain officialsŽ beliefs in institutional duties, and officialsŽ disagreement about those duties.The book should be of interest to legal philosophers, but also to those concerned with group and social action theories and, more generally, with the nature of institutions., Ever since Hart�s The Concept of Law, legal philosophers agree that the practice of law-applying officials is a fundamental aspect of law.With an insistence that the starting point for music education should always be the interests and experiences of the learners, this book is essential reading for those music teachers and researchers interested in the benefits of non-standard music-making in the classroom."Engaging Students with Music Educationis a ground breaking book about using DJ decks and urban music in mainstream schools to re-engage disaffected learners and develop a curriculum which better reflects overall contemporary tastes.The book demonstrates how working within the national and local political context is crucial for addressing poverty-environment issues, such as environmental health, access to key natural resources for livelihoods, security and coping with environmental disasters.Subsequent chapters treat the procedures that are commonly-employed when working with data across various fields of social science research, including: Single-sample tests Repeated measure tests Independent t-tests One way ANOVA and factorial ANOVA Correlation Bivariate regression Chi square Multiple regression Individual chapters are devoted to specific procedures, each ending with a lab exercise that highlights the importance of that procedure by posing a research question, examining the question through its application in Excel and SPSS, and concluding with a brief research report that outlines key findings drawn from the results.