Amy Hubbell - A La Recherche d'un Emploi : Business French in a Communicative Context EPUB, DOC, DJV


"A la recherche d un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context" is designed to develop students' vocabulary and cultural knowledge in preparation for working in an international environment. Exceeding the need to learn business structures and practices, most students need business communication skills, including advanced cultural competency. To meet these needs, "A la recherche d un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context" uses authentic materials from Quebec and France. Communicative excursuses are reality based and task oriented, encouraging a student-centered classroom. The numerous activities in the text elicit natural language use, facilitate vocabulary acquisition, and provide students ample opportunities to create relevant and personalized documents in French. In addition to completing viewing activities from feature-length films and online resources, students examine their personal goals and assess their strengths and weaknesses as they develop a job portfolio. "A la recherche d un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context" promotes learning valuable crossover skills that develop students' French language aptitude, while also preparing them for the job market in their own country as well.A Note to the Instructor: "A la recherche d un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context" is designed to be taught by non-business specialists. Its goal, in addition to preparing students linguistically and culturally for work in a Francophone business environment, is to engage students in the job search process. In doing so, the text causes students to draw on valuable crossover skills from their own culture and their native language. This course will work not just for business majors, but for any student studying French at the intermediate to advanced level, regardless of their major field of study.", A la recherche d'un emploi is based on the job search process and the text's real and personalized context engages students with a purpose. Students draw on personal experience and background information is stimulated in warm-up activities allowing them to enter assignments on an even playing field. Templates and models, with both French and Canadian examples, are accompanied with thorough analysis of the elements to guide students in creating a strong French language job portfolio. The text also profiles real companies and provides a case study of a real, small French start-up company. Throughout the text, students are asked to draw on their own English language and culture to compare with French language and customs., Focused on communicative and contextualized activities, this text uses authentic materials and examples to prepare students for their careers. Through use of video and audio exercises, the text further fosters students' oral proficiency. Upon completion of the text, students will have created a personalized job portfolio that can be immediately used as a model when entering the Francophone job market., À la recherche d'un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context is designed to develop students'vocabulary and cultural knowledge in preparation for working in an international environment. Exceeding the need to learn business structures and practices, most students need business communication skills, including advanced cultural competency. To meet these needs, À la recherche d'un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context uses authentic materials from Quebec and France. Communicative excursuses are reality based and task oriented, encouraging a student-centered classroom. The numerous activities in the text elicit natural language use, facilitate vocabulary acquisition, and provide students ample opportunities to create relevant and personalized documents in French. In addition to completing viewing activities from feature-length films and online resources, students examine their personal goals and assess their strengths and weaknesses as they develop a job portfolio. À la recherche d'un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context promotes learning valuable crossover skills that develop students'French language aptitude, while also preparing them for the job market in their own country as well. A Note to the Instructor: À la recherche d'un emploi: Business French in a Communicative Context is designed to be taught by non-business specialists. Its goal, in addition to preparing students linguistically and culturally for work in a Francophone business environment, is to engage students in the job search process. In doing so, the text causes students to draw on valuable crossover skills from their own culture and their native language. This course will work not just for business majors, but for any student studying French at the intermediate to advanced level, regardless of their major field of study.

Amy Hubbell - A La Recherche d'un Emploi : Business French in a Communicative Context read ebook DJV, TXT, PDF

The artworks encourage readers to form their own responses to the question "What is gorgeous?" Highlights include works by Marcel Duchamp, Jeff Koons, Marilyn Minter, Joan Miro', Meret Oppenheim, Ellsworth Kelly, and Pablo Picasso.But their lives are forever changed when they meet a sly, stylish French student, Veronique, and her impossibly sexy older cousin, Alex.Now they're just predictable-a vapid collection of much-too-familiar descriptions or metaphors that often replace smart conversation, speech, or writing.The book contains a total of 15 step-by-step projects.Fuji and the beach at Miho by Kano Tan'yu, a decorated 16th-century Persian Koran, and many other exceptional works--startling and sometimes unsettling objects that cause us to reexamine our notions of the beautiful.He also for a time traveled with a circus and wrote a lovely little book about it, The Circus of the Sun"--hard to find, but worth the search.It's a trip around the island sure to fascinate anyone interested in Puerto Rico's unique culture and heritage!, Discovered by Columbus in 1493, ruled by the Spanish for 400 years, and now a commonwealth of the United States, Puerto Rico has a long and diverse history that is reflected in its architecture and landmarks.Each artist featured in The Art of Tinkering goes through this process, and lovingly shares the backstory behind their own work so that readers can feel invited to join in on the whimsy.The first section explains in detail how to make the four basic lampshade shapes: drum, bell, Tiffany-style, and cone.The first to map the relationship between anthropology and contemporary art from a global perspective, this is a key text for students and academics in areas such as anthropology, visual anthropology, anthropology of art, art history, and curatorial studies.* Exclusive Lithograph Print - Each guide includes 1 of 3 unique pieces of art never-before released in the US and exclusively available with this guide.In addition to Henry Dreyfuss, readers are introduced to lesser known designers such as Max Schlenker and Ellworth Danz.Contrary to popular belief, fashion and nutrition have played only a secondary role in spurring the American aversion to fat, while the French distaste for obesity can be traced to different origins altogether.